On “Conversion” Therapy and Rainbow Big Brother
More coercive utopian governments pushing radical agendas and crushing our freedoms:
I did a radio interview this morning on how the dictatorial Dan Andrews’ government in Victoria is seeking to outlaw “conversion therapy,” and I said that the other Australian states would quickly follow suit. Well, it did not take long at all for my “prophecy” to come to pass.
Now the Queensland government has announced that it wants to do the exact same thing. As one news outlet said:
Practices intended to change or suppress someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity will be outlawed in Queensland. Gay conversion therapies will be made illegal and health practitioners caught carrying them out will face fines and time behind bars under a new law. The practices are immoral, unethical and have long been discredited by the medical sector, Health Minister Steven Miles said.
“I strongly oppose any suggestion that being LGBTIQ is a disorder that requires medical treatment,” he said. Such therapies include giving electric shocks or nausea-inducing drugs while showing a person a picture of someone of the same sex, regression or hypnotherapy, and counselling that encourages someone to distinguish their private and public sexual feelings or identity.
“It’s not a legitimate health therapy … This is an appalling practice that has no place in modern society, let alone Queensland’s health system,” Mr Miles said. “It does nothing but cause harm and devastation to vulnerable members of the community who need and deserve our support and respect.”
The bill will not prohibit treatments or practices that help individuals to express their identity or those going through or considering a gender transition, provide acceptance and support to those people, or facilitate someone’s identity exploration and development. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/queensland-to-outlaw-appalling-gay-conversion-therapy
Good grief. What a load of PC doubletalk and codswallop. No one is advocating shock therapy and the like. What a furphy. This is about one thing only: offering counsel to those who are seeking it – end of story. But these guys want to take such choice away. So let me see if I got this straight:
-A person unhappy with his same-sex attractions CANNOT get the help he is desperately seeking, and CANNOT choose that path.
-A person unhappy with his actual sex and wants to ‘convert’ has the full blessing of this government to make such choices.
What utter buffoons and leftist loons we have running our governments nowadays! How have our leaders and movers and shakers descended so rapidly into this moral cesspool and intellectual backwater? How in the world is it a good thing to deny struggling people choice, but to feed the delusions of mentally and psychologically struggling people?
As I put it in my submission to the Victorian inquiry on this:
Questions about choice
-Why does this government believe that choice is paramount in so many other areas, eg., the right of a woman to choose to kill her own baby in her womb, or the right of kids to choose to change their sex simply because they feel like it, but not here?
-Why are those who are unhappy with their same-sex attractions and want help and counsel being denied that same sort of choice by this government?
-Why does this government want to trap people in unwanted conditions and deny them the help and possible therapy they so very much want?
-Please tell us why this government seems hellbent on taking away choice for those who desperately want choice in this area.Questions about sexuality
-Why does this government insist that a homosexual is born the way he is and can never change, even though there are countless ex-homosexuals who exist who give lie to this myth?
-Why does this government also insist at the same time (through its promotion of the harmful “Safe” Schools programs, etc), that people can be born male or female, yet their natal sex is fluid and simply a social construct that can be changed at will – even by children?
-Why is one aspect of human sexuality totally immutable and unchangeable, yet this other area of human sexuality totally mutable and changeable?
-Why all the obvious contradictions and double standards here?
-Why does this government seem more intent on running with radical political ideology than with science, biology and reality?Questions about freedom
-Why this war on freedom – religious freedom, freedom of conscience, and the rights of self-determination, to name but a few basic freedoms?
-Why is this government wanting to harass and go after those who offer real help and support to those who very much want and need such help?
-Why this determined effort to destroy wonderful and proven counselling works and services, just to fit in a radical activist agenda?
-Will the Andrews’ government soon outlaw all related counsel, sermons, pastoral work and even prayer as it pushes radical secular left policies that are hostile to religion, to family, and to freedom?
See more on this here:
And the pejorative term “conversion” is a lot of baloney anyway. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. We are simply saying that if a person is pleading for help and counsel on unwanted same-sex attractions, he or she should be able to get it, and not be robbed of that choice.
But our tyrannical governments are now so utterly in bed with the militant activists, that they have declared war on freedom, and war on those offering much-needed and much-wanted help. People who want to “convert” from one sex to another (something that is physically impossible) are fully supported and assisted by governments, but those who want freedom in other areas are denied it.
The rainbow and trans fascists have already won. Governments are now doing their every bidding. This is the end of choice. This is the end of freedom. This is the end of tolerance. This is the end of diversity. Now the coercive state demands complete uniformity and conformity. All those who dare to resist WILL be punished.
Yet the activists and the rainbow State are fully in favour of conversion anyway. They want to convert everyone to their radical secular left worldview and ideology. They are seeking to convert ordinary citizens all the time. Everyone is in the conversion game.
Someone on the social media had shared an earlier post of mine on conversion therapy, and one critic made the comment that no other behaviours involve such therapy. He of course is dead wrong. What do you think is being attempted when we seek to help a drug addict get free of his addiction? We are trying to convert him to a better, safer lifestyle.
The same when people seek help for alcoholism, or gambling addictions, or pornography addictions. All the help and counselling being offered involves conversion – converting bad behaviours, habits and lifestyles into good ones, into healthy ones.
Sorry, Health Minister Miles, but what is immoral and unethical here is your blatant war on choice and on religion. That is the hallmark of totalitarian regimes, not free democracies. I urge all Queenslanders to write to this coercive utopian and tell him you will NOT be bullied and treated like second-class citizens. Please be polite yet firm:
Ministerial Office
1 William Street
BRISBANE QLD 4000Ministerial Office Postal Address
PO Box 48
BRISBANE QLD 4001Phone: (07) 3035 6100
Email: health@ministerial.qld.gov.au
We must say ‘no’ to the alphabet dictatorship – now!
[1215 words]
I donate blood regularly and I can’t figure out how the cognitive dissonance on homosexuality and normal sexual behaviour is perpetuated. Every time I have to answer questions and sign a document that becomes a legal declaration. Somehow it would be wrong to dissuade people and help them avoid risky practices if they seek that help? The world is mad.
Dear Bill,
Given I work for the QLD government I have access to our internal directory where I found Steven Miles’s office details. I think the ones you mention are generic, and may not reach him as well. They are:
Agency: Legislative Assembly
Postal Address: Care of Parliament House
Alice and George Streets, Brisbane QLD 4000
Telephone: (07) 3448 9300
E-mail: Murrumba@parliament.qld.gov.au
Many thanks Anon.
God has given us Choice and a Free Will …
The Government takes away what God has given …
They will suffer the consequences.
Right on, Bill, Badthink, indeed.
To the Queensland Health Minister Dr. Steven Miles
Sir, as a doctor, you must know the tragedy of someone having HIV/AIDS. To say the least, it is a torturous painful death and the victims die slowly and miserably with those who care around them experiencing all but the same punishment.
Yet, with all this knowledge, you profess that it should be illegal to even try to help these wretched individuals in the hope that they may be assisted in some way to a wholesome and healthy lifestyle.
Homosexuality is an abomination in every respect but you Sir appear to revel in it in spite of your knowledge. This will be remembered at the next election and beyond.
In the meantime, I urge you to consider the attached and see for yourself where the homosexual lifestyle ends up – oh yes, I am well aware that many believe that HIV/AIDS is not necessarily a homosexual disease as it does not discriminate but the facts speak for themselves where but less than 2% of the population engage in homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and queer conduct make up for over 60% of HIV/AIDS infections. For your further information, once a person who engages in homosexuality and becomes infected with a myriad of diseases – especially HIV/AIDS then engages with a bisexual (the ‘B’ in LGBTIQA+) that bisexual then engages with the opposite sex and bridges over to the heterosexual community. Something you also promote, accord and protect.
I cannot believe that anyone with an ounce of intelligence can possibly ignore the facts and what in God’s name can anyone find pride in queer conduct and allow children to be exposed and influenced by it?
By the way, why are standing by and allow about $1 Billion dollars per annum of our money (not yours) to be spent on those who are infected with the said myriad of diseases including HIV/AIDS – why has this not reached the ears of the general community – yet? Why do you not tell us as a Health Minister that it costs between $10,000 to $20,000 per annum to keep those who are infected to live one more miserable year and the same thereafter until they die?
The general public are not aware of these facts but I intend on educating the Australian elector (especially the Queensland elector) of such facts and your name will come up during the course of my address to them that you Sir, as a health Minister, promote, endorse and even protect the act of homosexuality in spite of your knowledge that it is a very dangerous and hazardous act. Further, you also promote lesbian, bisexual, queer, intersex, transgender (whatever that is?) and not only promote such acts but also promote that persons who so engage should feel proud. Have you ever held the hand of a person dying from AIDS and told him/her that should feel proud?
Let’s not get into the fact that you Sir are also putting down my/our religious belief that homosexuality can never be acceptable to Christianity, Islam and other religions who are mindful that the act of homosexuality etc. is contrary to the will of God and thus offends our religious doctrine and belief. I for one will not relent and will promote that no Christian, Muslim etc. can tolerate this kind of behavior and or anyone who so tolerates, promotes, endorses and even finances such behavior.
You want to debate the issue with me which includes my freedom of religion under section 116 of the Commonwealth Constitution to speak out against the activity of homosexuality etc.? I am happy to do so – anytime and anywhere.
In the meantime, I urge you and all to study and recognize just how much ground HIV/AIDS has already taken and will take more while people like yourself pave its way.
John Abbott
p.s I have already sent a copy to others and reserve the right to continue. Your choice, correct me if I am wrong but all conversations will be shared.
It seems like the stereotype of the anarchist with the mohawk and nose ring has changed into your typical everyday state official.
Christians are essentially enemies of the state already, it’s in the secular law, they just haven’t brainwashed the masses sufficiently enough yet for the persecution to begin. Only a matter of time.
BS is all the band could play…
If you are as old as me, you know what i mean, also being an Australian or British will help also.
Hi Bill. This is madness! As you say if a drug addict or alcoholic seeks help to overcome their addictive behaviour there are many resources available. It begs the question -surely if a person has unwanted same sex attraction or or believes they have made a mistake in transgendering and chooses to seek help , why would any government legislate to make it a crime to provide counsel to those needing and seeking help? Seems to me that this is discrimination! Surely those who demand equality and acceptance would be up in arms about this legislature -wouldn’t they?!! It is like a spirit of madness has taken over our Nation. It sure is spiralling out of control fast! As it was in the days of Noah so will it be when JESUS comes back to put all things right. Then EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD!! Come quickly LORD JESUS!! Bless you Bill for bringing this to our attention. Cheryl Ciccotosto
Thanks Bill for again enlightening us to what is happening at Government levels. John Abbott you wrote an excellent letter, lets pray that it does not fall on deaf ears.
Sorry to say this bill but in one year’s time, five years or even 10 years’ time you will be writing your missives from jail because telling the truth will be a crime.
Yes Roger, but I think it may even be sooner than five years!
Good work Bill. There is no scientific evidence yet science is quoted as backing the law. Lies appear to have infiltrated the law makers judgement! Let us continue to challenge the system of lies whose author we know is the devil, the God of this world. Surprised!!
It’s always the same script electroshock, forced viewing of pornography, and sometimes even holding blocks of ice. If it wasn’t a PC group people would laugh at it. It reads like a bad B movie and is only accepted because of who it supposedly is happening to.
I would ask where in Australia are these things happening??? Names of therapists or Dr’s and locations. These must be verified too. Here in the States testimony often either doesn’t include this info OR it is not verified though any investigation. A popular bit comes from again a Ru Paul film.
In case it’s of interest this is Miles’ site: https://www.stevenmiles.com/
Given Queensland promotes homosexual conversion in schools – the Safe Schools indoctrination program etc, a push to outlaw lifestyle counselling is a horrific infringement on the rights and freedoms of all Australians!
Dear Bill,
Thank you for the article.
Anything that goes against nature should be discouraged and it is glaringly obvious homosexual behaviour is one of them. For introducing laws which would deny people the help they need is at the very least lacking in commonsense and at worst pure evil.