Disney is now a hotbed of sexual radicals: The targeting of our children by the militant activists has been going on for decades now, and…
Woke-ism is a mental disease: If you are woke, chances are good you have traded in your brain for a bowl of oatmeal. It is…
When lefties devour each other: The sex wars continue apace, with spooky new cases emerging every day. Whether it is the radical trans agendas, the…
The ferocious assault on the family is now nearly complete: For decades now the radicals on the left have told us of their hatred of…
It clearly is time for incest rights – stop the bigotry now! ‘OK folks, it really is time to end all the bigotry and discrimination.…
The trans assault on all things is far more than blokes wearing dresses: Here is a truth that you can take to the bank: If…
Moonbats everywhere! A number of years ago I was asked to contribute a chapter to a book on conservatism and politics. Although the book never…
A powerful plea for two-parent families: All children have a right to their own mother and father. This article follows on from one that I…
A powerful plea for two-parent families: In Part One of this article I presented the first half of an important talk given by the late…
Sexual immorality matters – big time: The Bible throughout warns about sin and its consequences, and plenty of different sorts of sins are mentioned of…
This should be of help as you read through the Song of Songs: These are several poetic books, or wisdom literature books, in the Old…
Radical border closures and radical sexuality laws are both causing great damage: Imagine losing one of your own twin babies because of government stuff ups…
We were clearly warned about this brave new world: In the 1930s and 1940s two parallel movements were arising: cultural Marxism, and those warning about…
Yet more church leaders telling God to drop dead: Press Release, Rome, 30 January 62 AD, from the Apostle Paul and his colleagues We as…
The sexual meltdown of the West is now almost complete: My title pretty well sums up most of the West. We have had a complete…
Mentor, 2019. This new book on biblical anthropology is excellent, covering modern matters such as transgenderism: Over the years many good books on biblical anthropology…
TAN Books, 2018. We all need to avail ourselves of the wisdom and analysis found in this excellent volume: What hath the sexual revolution wrought?…
Standing up for those wanting help for their unwanted same-sex attractions: The last instalment of the ongoing Star Wars series, The Last Jedi, was on…
The implosion of the radical sexual suicide bombers continues – good! In 1858 Abraham Lincoln reminded the American people that “a house divided against itself…
Be warned: This appalling new bill will spell the end of freedom in Victoria. We live in an age of euphemisms. We cover up our…