The fake news media is a despicable joke: If you do not understand by now that the mainstream media is not your friend, is not…
The media and tech giants have shown their true colours: There is now no question which side Big Media and the Big Tech Giants are…
You all must be aware of this amazing ministry: One of God’s great gifts to Australia and nearby regions is Vision Christian Radio – part…
The life of Muggeridge is well worth being aware of: In the English-speaking world at least, this British journalist, author and commentator was one of…
Cancel culture is spinning out of control: If you have a group of people who are constantly talking about the importance of inclusion, diversity, and…
Censorship and the erosion of freedom are alive and well in the West: If you can control the content and flow and information, you can…
Now YouTube is banning me as well! Good grief. First Facebook bans me (presumably a permanent ban), and now YouTube is pulling my videos! Stalin…
A message to my supporters: If you are reading this, you obviously know where to find me – or at least this website. But I…
There will always be folks claiming to be Christians who will hate on you: Ever been hated? If you have been because of your commitment…
This is why I do what I do: If you ever wondered why Jesus came into the world, thankfully we are told quite clearly, so…
We have NOT learned the lessons of history: Censorship is now alive and well in the West. Whether it involves refusing or shouting down unpopular…
Here are 50 key websites that you should be aware of: This is a daring piece to write for the simple reason that there are…
This war is real – and getting worse: Can conservatives sometimes use words like ‘tyranny,’ ‘fascism,’ and ‘totalitarianism’ too often and too easily? Yes. Are…
The media and tech giants are posing a very real threat to freedom and democracy: Outfits like Google and YouTube and Twitter and Facebook are…
Christians need to think clearly and biblically about how they approach politics: Christians can have many different approaches to the matter of political involvement. Many…
These five female superstars put so many men to shame: I have often asked this question before: Where are all the men? Where are all…
Beware of deceptive and manipulating leaders: No one reading through the prophetic books in the Old Testament (as I am now again doing) can fail…
The widescale suppression and censorship of information has been done before: I have often spoken about the politicisation of society. And it is clearly the…
The actual corona numbers offer us a different picture than what the alarmists are giving us: OK, it is time for my daily dose of…